Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 3

February 8, 2010: Today, Ms. Tenore shares personal insight into her world of journalism. She speaks about a pre- Super Bowl story that she wrote for her job. It was not about football however, it had a political edge. 

The Super Bowl, a professional sport's championship game, is something that multiple thousands of Americans will tune into via all media streams. Lucky ones get the much- sought after experience of actually attending the game, namely in her article: political advocates using the public outing as a scene for political fundraising. Mallary quotes an excerpt of her own article because on a blog, you can do that.

This blog entry was really of no interest to me subject wise, probably because both political issues and sports tend to bore me. Instead, I gathered cool insight into the world of an actual journalism scholar/ copy editor. I assume that she is some sort of political journalist, though I also understand how daunting it may be. Either way, she either enjoyed covering this story or she did not; regardless, it was for her job at the Poynter Institute and she wrote it to keep eating food. Perhaps all new-journalists may experience this situation of reporting on something with little or no interest to you (maybe it is of interest to her.)

You must be a journalist because  the love for writing and of storytelling, in some ways. Considering her other entries, Mallary definitely has a passion for this  mode of creative expression. For all she knows, maybe not one person follows her blog. Her need to write keeps her publishing as an active blogger.

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